PFM On Break Starting Friday 9/6/19

PLEASE FORGIVE ME is going on break once again starting this Friday. There will be a comic on Monday & Wednesday though.
I’ve been having difficulty retaining a buffer lately, mainly because my job schedule shifted again. After a few Twitter polls, I’ve decided that from now on, I will take breaks to draw an entire arc’s worth of comics. When an arc is done, I will start updating Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays again, while beginning work drawing the following arc.
This will be how the comic will update for the foreseeable future. As always, thank you for your Patience and understanding!
No, thank you for your Patience.
No, thank you for Patience. She’s great!
Thank you for letting us know! Hope everything goes well with work!
At first I was like “oh no” but then I was like “ok that sounds pretty reasonable”
How do you feel about Sans in Smash Bros? Also thanks for the good comic famalam
Heya Gob.
The other day I stumbled across PFM from a /tg/ filename thread of all things, and marathoned the whole thing in one go. I enjoyed it, but I kind of wanted more, so I poked around the site and discovered It Hurts. “Oh, they made a prequel. Or I guess an original and I just read the sequel. Whatever. Neat.” So, I sat down and started reading it.
Holy shit, my dude. I was not ready for the talent show. It was such a 180 from the tone of the comic up to that point, so suddenly devastating, that I was hooked in to see what happened next. So I read on, and what I found was an incredible story, full of cute, funny, sad, heartwarming, heartbreaking, and ponderous moments. It was great to see the characters from PFM as who they used to be, and appreciate the little things about each of them that stayed the same or changed in the new world. After being blown away by the ending of It Hurts, I reread PFM, enlightened by the new context of its conception, and I appreciated it so much more.
Goddamn, man. This was a massively ambitious project, and you pulled it off. I don’t know if I can say more great things about It Hurts than your fans have already said in the comments of the final page, but know that I echo their sentiments. I fucking love that story, and I feel that it will stick with me. I’m over 30 and have been reading webcomics since I was like 10, and so few of them have managed to move me enough to shine brightly in my memories. It Hurts will blaze like a star.
Now, with PFM, I feel like the characters are finally getting the peaceful lives that they deserved to have. Pasqualo’s selfless sacrifice for his friends, family, and his beloved Aurora was truly worth it. Sure, they aren’t living fantastic lives full of crazy adventures and shonen-tier battles with characters from their tragic pasts, but the mundane challenges of real life will still be there for them to face; and, in a way, it makes their struggles harder, but more rewarding to conquer. I loved the characters from It Hurts and I mourned their suffering, but I resonate with their PFM versions more, and I want to see them grow and be happy. I’m excited to see what you come up with next for our heroes.
On a final note, I really appreciate that you respond to so many comments from your readers, even if they are only just reacting to a 5 year old page. It’s not only helpful to get extra background, context, and insight, but it reflects on how much of a passion this is for you. I know it’s not much, but it means a lot to see that from a creator.
God bless, and thank you.
First of all, thank you so much for reading! I’m really intrigued at your reaction, because you’ve read PFM first! I’m very happy about that!
IT HURTS will forever be my baby and I’m so happy you enjoyed that as well. I’m glad that PFM resonates with you, and I feel the same way about it. Both series are a collaboration between myself and my best buddy (who is an amazing writer) Josef. In IT HURTS, I was in the driver’s seat, doing most of the writing. Josef was in the passenger seat pointing out when I wanted to go a crappy direction or when I could write funnier jokes. The two of us planned out the main structure of the series together.
In PFM, Josef does the majority of the writing, while I’m in the passenger seat gobbing things up. We’re really super passionate about PFM and we both want this series to be super wonderful. I’m honestly in love with the less-hectic world of PFM. Well, saying it’s less hectic isn’t quite accurate. It’s hectic and fucked up in different ways, haha.
I’m with you when it comes to the rewardingness of PFM’s Pasq and friends overcoming some real life struggles. I’ve felt really happy at the end of each of the arcs we’ve done so far. There’s more struggles to come, too, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what you and others think of how Pasq and friends deal with them 🙂
The year is 2389. PFM has become something of a legend among the remaining human population. Some still hope, perhaps foolishly, for its return. I asked the Brain Bank containing the digitized memories and personality of my late ancestor what it was like when the comic was still updating, but the sectors containing that data have been corrupted. There is always an uproar when Gob stirs on his “throne” that more closely resembles a tomb with each passing year. As his near-petrified head shakes rhythmically in that same unsettling motion a printout is made of the image building in his mind, but it is always that same picture. I could set my watch by how regularly that damn portrait of Ally exits the mindscan’s printer port. That awful bespectacled sun haunts me in my sleep as well as my waking hours.
As I walk past the clamor in the streets I hear their fervor as they argue over every pixel of their latest Ally. “Her shirt is definitely lighter this time”, “No way, but the bow is at an odd angle for sure”, “What does it mean?”. I envy them. I can no longer bring myself to feel anything at all. The days when I’d play their game and speculate over every detail of the assuredly identical image were long behind me. There are far more important things to worry over now… Or so I thought. Behind me I hear a shout, and then another. Suddenly the whole street is a bedlam as Gob’s head shakes for the second time today, an event that hadn’t happened in centuries. I immediately rush back to catch a glimpse of the new printout, clawing and kicking as I am nearly trampled by the oncoming mass of previous bystanders. As I feel an elderly woman give way underneath my boots I finally find purchase to raise myself above the crowd and catch a small glimpse of a young black girl wearing a shirt featuring an awful bespectacled sun.
Aw shit, hadn’t checked in a while- The percentage is at 82%! Keep it up, Gob, I look forward to seeing the next arc.
Thank you!!!