373: Will Bill by Gobolatula on February 2, 2023 at 9:00 pm Chapter: Chapter Eighteen: Burying Mr. Trianglini └ Tags: Bill, clownathan, cunea, Diligence, Humble, Jenny Penguin, Pasqualo, Patience, pollygon, pyramid, Solemnity, The Clown, trigonomitria
It is nice to know that Obtusangelo truly did enjoy his time with Patience.
Also, I did not know Clownathan’s father had actual eyes. The more you know.
Thanks a lot, now I’ve noticed Clownathan’s father’s actual eyes and I’m terrified.
This is a very up to date will, almost as if Dad knew he was going to die soon.
:o) real honk hours out here
my webcomics can’t touch my other webcomics