Chapter Two: The Super-Normal Activity Club Versus the Student Council

Chapter Four: Hell Over High Water


Chapter Eight: The Big Storm

Something is happening involving lots of snow. Will these wacky kids be able to... uh... do something with or about it? Find out on the next tubular adventure of Dragon Ball Z.

Chapter Nine: Christmas Seasonal Depression

Some sadness just in time for Christmas!

Chapter Ten: The Horrible Secret Knowledge of Wilbur Olmstead

In this very special episode of Dragon Ball Z: The Adventures of Future Trunks' Mother Bulma, our friends have a friend who has a friend friended afriend from friend but then Pasqualo and squad have to use friend powers to make me feel not tired of typing this sentence.

Chapter Eleven: I Have No Idea What I'm Doing

Well, I sort of don't know what's going to happen in this chapter yet, because it's being written it as it goes along. But I think it's gonna have something to do with Pasqualo and Katie and Pasqualo's comics and whatever else may come along with that.

Chapter Thirteen: Doritos Cheesy Gordita Crash

Well now... I hope you like Doritos!
Mar 16, 2021206: Wet Chips 4 U
Mar 25, 2021210: Chip Puns
Mar 30, 2021212: Dot Dot Dot
Apr 04, 2021214: Love Cringe
Jul 11, 2021223: Dicey Dice
Jul 13, 2021224: Kim
Aug 05, 2021234: Weewee Bey
Oct 19, 2021243: Blue's Claus
Oct 24, 2021245: Epiloggio

Chapter Sixteen: Blackout

Uh oh
Jul 03, 2022308: Blackout

Chapter Seventeen: Black Sunrise

Well I think that after that last chapter, we deserve a change of pace. Or just a continuation and we keep going.
Jul 14, 2022311: Never Forget
Jul 17, 2022312: Thanks Ants
Jul 28, 2022317: New Sisters
Sep 27, 2022343: Nick Lowe
Sep 29, 2022344: 2wo Shots
Oct 02, 2022345: SPOILERS

Chapter Nineteen: Special Agent Terry Gross (No Relation)

A chapter in which Special Agent Terry Gross does FBI stuff.

Chapter Twenty: Ally and Pasqualo

Friends will be friends. Just like the Queen song.
Oct 31, 2023408: Petting Zoo
Nov 07, 2023411: Fresh Air
Nov 09, 2023412: Vroom Vroom
Nov 12, 2023413: Cruis'n USA
Nov 30, 2023421: Radio Googoo
Dec 05, 2023423: Mr. Gastorly
Dec 12, 2023426: Deductions
Jan 09, 2024432: Bluffcon '15
Jan 16, 2024435: This Guy
Jan 18, 2024436: Masks
Jan 25, 2024439: Mighty Mask
Jan 28, 2024440: Hamburger Hut
Feb 15, 2024448: BBF
Feb 20, 2024450: Somos Payasos
Feb 22, 2024451: Diana Barry

Chapter Twenty-One: Scratch That, Reverse It

Apr 01, 2024452: Stinky!!!
Apr 04, 2024454: Free Kobi
Apr 14, 2024458: The Irishman
Apr 21, 2024461: Spider Facts
Apr 28, 2024464: Sweet Deal
Apr 30, 2024465: Strike That
May 02, 2024466: Reverse It
May 05, 2024467: Scrambly
May 07, 2024468: Oog
May 30, 2024478: Ginge E. Ito
Jun 06, 2024481: Anteaters
Jun 11, 2024483: Soup
Jun 13, 2024484: I Found You
Jun 18, 2024486: Horsey Sauce
Jun 23, 2024488: Gotta Blast!
Jun 25, 2024489: Crow Saint
Jun 30, 2024491: I.O.U.
Jul 09, 2024495: Melanie's Dad
Jul 11, 2024496: Groß
Jul 21, 2024500: Yeah They Did
Jul 25, 2024502: Cool Pix!!!

Guest Comics

Hey these ones were drawn by other folks! Folks who are cool!