Ally still identifies as a girl. Pasqualo’s always seen her as “one of the guys” so from time to time he’ll call her “dude” or “man” or “bro” or in this case “big brother.” Ally took the name “zombie king” because the title already existed and she felt it had substancial “oomph” to it and didn’t feel like putting in the effort to change it to “zombie queen.”
Allison doesn’t really think about the concept of gender all that much. If someone mistook her for a guy and called her “he” or something, she wouldn’t really care. When it comes to how she presents herself she kinda just does what she feels like in the moment. She calls herself “zombie king” and Poop’s “mama” in the same afternoon.
Is there an official name for “person who considers herself a girl but doesn’t conform to gender norms unless she feels like it and wouldn’t be offended if someone called her a dude and she even sometimes calls herself dudely things?” If there is, maybe that’s what Ally is. I’m not gonna claim to be any kind of expert on these kinds of things.
I believe the preferred term on The Tumblrs is “genderfluid” or “nonbinary”, but if she still mostly thinks of herself as a chick,, that may or may not apply.
Genderfluid is not tying yourself down to one particular gender and maybe changing from day to day, nonbinary means identifying as a gender other than male or female. I knew jack about it either until a friend came out as genderfluid and anything an actually trans person says it’s probably more informed than either of us. /pol/will be mad with whatever attitude you take that isn’t open hostility so whatever.
She’s a tomboy. She clearly identifies as a girl but does boyish stuff anyways when it pleases her. It has more to do with male gender roles being authoritative and forward (king is more powerful than queen, a penis is more sexuslly aroused than a vagina) or clarifying her relationship with Pasqualo (like a “bro” with no romantic feelings) than anything suggesting she’s actually trans. She had to be made to wear the nice clothes at the talent show, the clothes and hairstyle she chooses for herself are still feminine but don’t convey meekness in the slightest.
That’s not to say she can’t be trans/genderfluid/nonbinary, but there isn’t anything at the moment that would suggest she’s not cis as opposed to just rebelling against gender norms.
Not really; the rest of your body just shrivels up a bit and it ends up looking like your hair and nails grew a bit.
Once all those nasty lifey parts of you stop ticking you deflate a decent amount, which makes it look like your things grew when in reality there’s just not a bunch of alive person stuff hiding them.
Really digging Allisons new ‘do.
My phone sucks. Pasqualo’s badge says “number 1 …”
Number 1 Dude
I’m wondering if that thing in her head is part of the satellite from 156. Maybe another one?
aw man look at that adorable haircut.
Holy shit are those tattoos on Allisons arm? I’m loving her new looks so much
think those are just her bones showing you dumby.
Looks like it’s just her exposed bone
Partyman’s hat, oh god it’s beautiful
Why does Pas look so tired?
Why does Ally look so sexy?
wow, allie is lookin’ qt a f right now
1: the chimera is wearing a hat labeling it as “dtf” (down to fuck?) and appears to be named “partyman”
-1a: im glad
2: ally is introduced as “brother” and “king.” does ally identify as a dude now?
Ally still identifies as a girl. Pasqualo’s always seen her as “one of the guys” so from time to time he’ll call her “dude” or “man” or “bro” or in this case “big brother.” Ally took the name “zombie king” because the title already existed and she felt it had substancial “oomph” to it and didn’t feel like putting in the effort to change it to “zombie queen.”
Allison doesn’t really think about the concept of gender all that much. If someone mistook her for a guy and called her “he” or something, she wouldn’t really care. When it comes to how she presents herself she kinda just does what she feels like in the moment. She calls herself “zombie king” and Poop’s “mama” in the same afternoon.
Is there an official name for “person who considers herself a girl but doesn’t conform to gender norms unless she feels like it and wouldn’t be offended if someone called her a dude and she even sometimes calls herself dudely things?” If there is, maybe that’s what Ally is. I’m not gonna claim to be any kind of expert on these kinds of things.
i’d go with tomboy i guess
seconding this.
That would give new oomph to the term ‘gender fluid’. Every time I hear that, I think of a swimming amoeba getting horny. I may need help.
don’t become an SJW, Gob.
seconding this even harder.
What’s all this commotion about SJW? I think Shonen Jump Weekly is pretty radical! 😉
Don’t get involved with those BLM people either.
That Bureau of Land Management is always up to something.
It’s got One Piece and My Hero Academia so of course it’s pretty awesome.
I believe the preferred term on The Tumblrs is “genderfluid” or “nonbinary”, but if she still mostly thinks of herself as a chick,, that may or may not apply.
For the longest time I didn’t know what either of those things meant. Thank you buddy! 🙂
Genderfluid is not tying yourself down to one particular gender and maybe changing from day to day, nonbinary means identifying as a gender other than male or female. I knew jack about it either until a friend came out as genderfluid and anything an actually trans person says it’s probably more informed than either of us. /pol/will be mad with whatever attitude you take that isn’t open hostility so whatever.
She’s a tomboy. She clearly identifies as a girl but does boyish stuff anyways when it pleases her. It has more to do with male gender roles being authoritative and forward (king is more powerful than queen, a penis is more sexuslly aroused than a vagina) or clarifying her relationship with Pasqualo (like a “bro” with no romantic feelings) than anything suggesting she’s actually trans. She had to be made to wear the nice clothes at the talent show, the clothes and hairstyle she chooses for herself are still feminine but don’t convey meekness in the slightest.
That’s not to say she can’t be trans/genderfluid/nonbinary, but there isn’t anything at the moment that would suggest she’s not cis as opposed to just rebelling against gender norms.
Allison is a cutie. A CUTIE!
I take back my earlier comment.
THIS is why I give you my money. Luv ya, Gobby.
Partyman is my favorite character.
Is this the true power of a time skip? Everyone becomes sexy?
You name drop tease.
How come he didn’t call her “Onii-chan”? Wasn’t Pasquallo a weeb?
Ally almost looks like that pink haired girl (with black hair, of course) from the Fist of the Northstar movie. The one from the 80’s.
Did her hair grow? That raises all sorts of questions!(well, not really.)
Interesting fact of the day: In real life, your hair and fingernails continue to grow after you die!
Not really; the rest of your body just shrivels up a bit and it ends up looking like your hair and nails grew a bit.
Once all those nasty lifey parts of you stop ticking you deflate a decent amount, which makes it look like your things grew when in reality there’s just not a bunch of alive person stuff hiding them.
allison is look real HOT
you know, for a dead person
I have no words, Gob
It’s everything I wanted it to be and more
So how does a Zombies hair grow?
>Take scalp off other person
>Put it on your own head
Asuka’s EoE breakdown reference in panel 3 there, Gobster? I know what a weeb you are, after all,
or perhaps I was the weeb all along.
haha oh yeah! I had forgotten about that scene. Maybe I subconsciously made a reference!
I am so fucking hyped for the timeskip. Can’t wait to see Mr. Jones be slightly older and slightly blacker.
what kind of act of god did it take to convince ally to comb her hair?
It’s nice, but like Tubsy said, I always enjoyed seeing it all messed up. Maybe Aurora suggested it.
I guess Ally finally took Pasqualo’s request for her to do something about her hair.
That haircut is cute as hell