Sounds similar to how Starfleet Command does not release statistics on how many admirals have been possessed by alien mindworms.
Seems to be a common practice.
Does this mean that Poopy Doopy always took place in the Pasqualo-created universe? Or have those events been pulled in through some fifth-dimensional bullshit?
He tried to warn him about that trap rocking chair!
As a policy, the FBI does not release statistics on how many agents have been taken by Skinwalkers
Sounds similar to how Starfleet Command does not release statistics on how many admirals have been possessed by alien mindworms.
Seems to be a common practice.
Look, you will never stop 100% of all Alien Mindworms. You need a system that can withstand it if every admiral is mindwormed once or twice
Does this mean that Poopy Doopy always took place in the Pasqualo-created universe? Or have those events been pulled in through some fifth-dimensional bullshit?
Nah, it initially took place in the me-created universe, but Terry somehow made his way to PFM. Or he got sent here. Hard to explain 😉
I mean, does it really count as identity theft if you specify “no relation” after each introduction? I think not!
Shouldn’t that tag read “Special Agent Terry Gross (YES Relation)”?
i took out the “no relation” part from the tag and changed it to Special Agent Terry Gross Prime.
Oh I get it now. haha good one
That explains so much.
I called it!
I absolutely called it!
Call 911 and tell them I CALLED IT!
Huh, I had assumed FBI agents were just Like That in the Pasquiverse