277: The Joys of Being Right by Gobolatula on March 22, 2022 at 9:00 pm Chapter: Chapter Fourteen: The New Girl └ Tags: Katie
I see SOMEBODY has been listening to iteachvader.
God that song slaps
If that’s how you get your Jollies go ahead!
Those are some giant hamburger meat hands😲😲😲😲
this is katie, not patience
Uh huh i bet katie would have pasqualo call the cops smh boot licker
I mean katie is canonically racist so it shouldn’t surprise us that she thinks calling the cops is a good idea.
could we not with this stupid shit
Katie started it!
and then a bunch of weirdos continued it and I hate seeing it constantly in the comments
sounds like a you problem dude, they’re just doing the usual fandom thing of continuing a running gag
chill out
was it “the usual fandom thing” when that guy posted a giant wall of text about katie’s racism
yes, lol
Katie trusting the government is weird
Katie always knows the truth, this is a constant of all the universes