This some of the best shit you’ve put out, Gob. You kept Pasqualo’s goofiness but you didn’t let it derail a very personal moment, instead letting it be a display of Pasqualo’s uncertainty and desperation. There’s not a lot of people that can do what you do, and of those you’re honestly one of the best.
Just wanna give props on the imagery of the background filled with people doing things, but being out of focus. Does an amazing job getting across how incredibly withdrawn Pasqualo is.
Of course there’s an all-powerful Goku out there. Did you not see Pasqualo’s dad enjoying the simple pleasures of domestic problems in a mixed race marriage? That smile was the result of something divine.
Man, being god is hard.
Everyone keeps bitching about why you don’t hear out people’s prayers, and the day you stop doing your almighty stuff to actually hear someone out, it’s about one sad kid that wishes the world being turned upside down for his personal gratification.
A lot. Pasqualo in a lot of ways is an exaggerated version of me. There are some personality traits that are uniquely Pasqualo, but most of him is me. I essentially make fun of myself a lot when writing Pasqualo. 🙂
I have depression and anxiety and back when I was Pasqualo’s age, I acted a lot like him when I was having a bad day. I had some good friends and I would just whine to them about my problems constantly with little regard to their feelings. Then I’d realize what I was doing and worry about losing my friends. Then that would make me upset and I’d whine to them about being afraid of losing them. And then I’d whine to them about how much I thought I was a worthless piece of shit and didn’t deserve them. Very irritating stuff but I couldn’t seem to stop it even when I realized what I was doing.
Over the years I’ve gotten lots better though. These days I’m a sad and anxious grown-up creepy man but I have things for the most part under control when it comes to how I treat others when I have a bad day.
Well, gob, if you’re going to make Pasqualo parallel me any more, then next he’ll have to think that Katie has been eaten by and replaced with a Rakshasa that has taken her form.
I really like these panels. not only do they illustrate how isolated and withdrawn Pasqualo is but they also reminds us of the cost of his wish. The world shown in these panels no longer exists, and all the people in them are dead, all because of the wish of one sweet, stupid, depressed boy.
サック・マイ・ナッツ = Sakku Mai Nattsu (Suck My Nuts), you got it right. People just sometimes get ツ (tsu), ッ (called a sokuon, used to double the following consonant), and シ (shi) mixed up.
In comparison, “サツク マイ ナシツ” = Satsuku Mai Nashitsu. If you replace the tsu with a sokuon and treat that last shi as a sokuon, you get Sakku Mai Nattsu, so it’s just a case of mistaken characters with similar appearances.
Having dealt with depression, I know that even an apocalyptic change in your surroundings and company can’t “fix” you. I’m thinking Pasqualo will figure that out soon too, and I’m looking forward to it!
So there it is. This is how the end of the world comes about: The prayers of a sad, sweet stupid boy.
You’ve really captured what it’s like to be depressed in this one, Gob.
Thank you very much.
This some of the best shit you’ve put out, Gob. You kept Pasqualo’s goofiness but you didn’t let it derail a very personal moment, instead letting it be a display of Pasqualo’s uncertainty and desperation. There’s not a lot of people that can do what you do, and of those you’re honestly one of the best.
Dude thank you very much. That means a lot to me 🙂
Just wanna give props on the imagery of the background filled with people doing things, but being out of focus. Does an amazing job getting across how incredibly withdrawn Pasqualo is.
Thank you sir I’m glad you liked that part 🙂
Of course there’s an all-powerful Goku out there. Did you not see Pasqualo’s dad enjoying the simple pleasures of domestic problems in a mixed race marriage? That smile was the result of something divine.
You big goofus, you actually DO have some fantastic aspirations to art in you. Along with the poop jokes. Thanks for this one.
Man, being god is hard.
Everyone keeps bitching about why you don’t hear out people’s prayers, and the day you stop doing your almighty stuff to actually hear someone out, it’s about one sad kid that wishes the world being turned upside down for his personal gratification.
I know that feel bro
How much of Pasqualo is based on your personal experiences?
A lot. Pasqualo in a lot of ways is an exaggerated version of me. There are some personality traits that are uniquely Pasqualo, but most of him is me. I essentially make fun of myself a lot when writing Pasqualo. 🙂
I have depression and anxiety and back when I was Pasqualo’s age, I acted a lot like him when I was having a bad day. I had some good friends and I would just whine to them about my problems constantly with little regard to their feelings. Then I’d realize what I was doing and worry about losing my friends. Then that would make me upset and I’d whine to them about being afraid of losing them. And then I’d whine to them about how much I thought I was a worthless piece of shit and didn’t deserve them. Very irritating stuff but I couldn’t seem to stop it even when I realized what I was doing.
Over the years I’ve gotten lots better though. These days I’m a sad and anxious grown-up creepy man but I have things for the most part under control when it comes to how I treat others when I have a bad day.
Hey, I think a lot of us fans can totally relate. That is just one of the many, many reasons we love this creation of yours!
Wait, you were anxious AND you talked to your friends about your problems? Talk about balls of steel
Well, gob, if you’re going to make Pasqualo parallel me any more, then next he’ll have to think that Katie has been eaten by and replaced with a Rakshasa that has taken her form.
pas looks a lot like aurora near the end of this comic… especially on the last panel of page 4
Hey, any way to see the backgrounds unblurred, to know what everyone was saying and stuff ? I bet even those invisible parts are jokes and funny.

I really like these panels. not only do they illustrate how isolated and withdrawn Pasqualo is but they also reminds us of the cost of his wish. The world shown in these panels no longer exists, and all the people in them are dead, all because of the wish of one sweet, stupid, depressed boy.
Wawa, huh? I am triangulating your location.
This is why I give you my money, sir.
Who would have thought that It Hurts would make my eyes soggy?
サツク マイ ナシツ!! >> Suck My Knights !!
Hm maybe I spelled it wrong. . .
I used shitty google translate, so who knows
keep up the good work bby, I always look foward to a new comic every day I wake up
ty !! 😉
サック・マイ・ナッツ = Sakku Mai Nattsu (Suck My Nuts), you got it right. People just sometimes get ツ (tsu), ッ (called a sokuon, used to double the following consonant), and シ (shi) mixed up.
In comparison, “サツク マイ ナシツ” = Satsuku Mai Nashitsu. If you replace the tsu with a sokuon and treat that last shi as a sokuon, you get Sakku Mai Nattsu, so it’s just a case of mistaken characters with similar appearances.
WOO! I’m a Japanese wizard!!
Wait, is this aurora’s origin story? God damn, this is some real multipurpose story telling. Good gob job
Good times for a change.
See, the life he’s had could turn a good kid bad.
as a kid I would pray to god for way pettier reasons. like to make diarrhea go away.
on another note, those silent panels with pasqy T kneeling break my heart
Having dealt with depression, I know that even an apocalyptic change in your surroundings and company can’t “fix” you. I’m thinking Pasqualo will figure that out soon too, and I’m looking forward to it!
How dare you not believe in Goku, Pasqualo you heretic?
if it’s not love, then it’s the bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the bomb that’ll bring us together
Haven’t sucked a dick in a long time.
Seeing the life I had could suck a big man’s bag
and there aurora came
fucking a+ gob
Thank you 😀
Mmmm, maybe this one is better: