This is the man who cares. It doesn’t matter if there was an apocalypse and everybody’s dead and you’ve landed a gig as a DJ on a murderous cyborg birthday party. What matters is to [i]cover the story[/i]. Never lose sight of the primary responsibility.
But what [i]is[/i] the story? Nobody had bothered to say. So he had to drum it up on his own. Free Enterprise. The American Dream. Stanky farts. Do it [i]now[/i]: pure Gonzo journalism.
Allison does not care about TMI.
Also that title design is crazy!
dj smegma with the hard questions.
This is the man who cares. It doesn’t matter if there was an apocalypse and everybody’s dead and you’ve landed a gig as a DJ on a murderous cyborg birthday party. What matters is to [i]cover the story[/i]. Never lose sight of the primary responsibility.
But what [i]is[/i] the story? Nobody had bothered to say. So he had to drum it up on his own. Free Enterprise. The American Dream. Stanky farts. Do it [i]now[/i]: pure Gonzo journalism.
DJ Smegma: Cutting through to the facts that matter
Thanks for doing that for me, Mr. Smegma, sir.
please can ally and aurora be in love
I second this. Love the idea. Please make it happen.
i agree. if you don’t think this ship is the tightest shit than get outta my face
Everyone in this comic is so adorable.
my wife left me
Was it because she saw that weird-ass comment?
Boy, I sure hope the dynamic between Aurora and Allison is explored further at some point. That’d be really great.