And then Pasqualo and Ally started killing survivors. So I guess we horror genre now.
Can this please be the end of the pony arc? I greatly enjoy this comic and your humor Gob, but nothing but obnoxious borderline austic bronies and the people that hate them can come from this becoming a pony comic.
For you, buddy, I posted the rest of the Pony Arc plus the start of the new one. I knew this would piss people off, but I don’t like people being mad haha. Now you can hopefully see that it was all a setup to a joke. Take care! I hope you enjoy the new arc.
Oh no you singled me out as the one you posted this big update for! So much for my efforts to remain a likeable named poster on a website again. lol now I must tetreat back to 4chan where I’m just one of many anonymous(es).
But seriously, I’m sorry I contributed to you feeling pressured into ending this arc early. I was just adding my two cents opinion wise with my first post. I know I could’ve put that more elegantly. I just was just concerned this was becoming part of the (sadly) mostly cancerous and weird brony fandom in a way.
Anyway good job with the rest of the arc, real funny stuff Gobby.
I’m not even into ponies either tbh. But if I were Pasqualo’s age I almost definitely would be. hahaha. I just didn’t want to go through 1 more week of people being mad at me hahaha. Including today there would’ve been 3 more pony strips. I figure it’s a win-win for both me and you guys. You get 4 comics today and I get less people mad at me 🙂
Gobby man, I’m not sure I’m liking the direction this is taking. Strips are getting real unfunny real quick. May or may not be because of the pastel colored equines, which have inexplicably become a plot point.
Pasqy what are you doing
the show isn’t that good what are you even doing
HOW do you manage to make shit hit the fan time after time?
Well, you know what my grandfather used to say: “if an innocent family has to be eaten alive, it might as well be for best pony.”
Wow he went Super Saiyan.
And then Pasqualo and Ally started killing survivors. So I guess we horror genre now.
Can this please be the end of the pony arc? I greatly enjoy this comic and your humor Gob, but nothing but obnoxious borderline austic bronies and the people that hate them can come from this becoming a pony comic.
For you, buddy, I posted the rest of the Pony Arc plus the start of the new one. I knew this would piss people off, but I don’t like people being mad haha. Now you can hopefully see that it was all a setup to a joke. Take care! I hope you enjoy the new arc.
Oh no you singled me out as the one you posted this big update for! So much for my efforts to remain a likeable named poster on a website again. lol now I must tetreat back to 4chan where I’m just one of many anonymous(es).
But seriously, I’m sorry I contributed to you feeling pressured into ending this arc early. I was just adding my two cents opinion wise with my first post. I know I could’ve put that more elegantly. I just was just concerned this was becoming part of the (sadly) mostly cancerous and weird brony fandom in a way.
Anyway good job with the rest of the arc, real funny stuff Gobby.
Haha people should THANK you. Also I really want people to see the Snake Bitch arc so it all worked out.
I’m sorry if I acted like an asshole about disliking ponies </3
but I still love the webcomic, keep on keepin' on.
I’m not even into ponies either tbh. But if I were Pasqualo’s age I almost definitely would be. hahaha. I just didn’t want to go through 1 more week of people being mad at me hahaha. Including today there would’ve been 3 more pony strips. I figure it’s a win-win for both me and you guys. You get 4 comics today and I get less people mad at me 🙂
Gobby man, I’m not sure I’m liking the direction this is taking. Strips are getting real unfunny real quick. May or may not be because of the pastel colored equines, which have inexplicably become a plot point.
I don’t understand, it’s just got a pony in it. It’s only a big deal if you make it a big deal. He’s a dumb cute kid, he likes ponies, fuck it.