Damn, the panel with Katie talking about Pasqualo’s inconsolable state hits close to home. I used to be almost like that, with a lot less tears. Getting out of that mindset takes some serious introspection and self improvement…
On a side note, Allison is a class-S cutie with that new ‘do.
Shshhshshh… I’m sorry. It was a joke. I was relating too much with Pasqualo, and it hit me hard to see him go back to the old Pasqualo. I love the comic, and I love you.
The last time we saw this version of Pasqualo was comic 100. Remember, after the apocalypse he was slowly turning grey from lack of food and limb loss. So, this is a nice flashback to a time when the protagonist wasn’t an all-powerful (relatively) god robot, and was truly just a boy in love.
In case anyone wants to read this:
Thank God. I squinted really hard, and was still only able to read one line before giving up.
Just like old times.
Damn, the panel with Katie talking about Pasqualo’s inconsolable state hits close to home. I used to be almost like that, with a lot less tears. Getting out of that mindset takes some serious introspection and self improvement…
On a side note, Allison is a class-S cutie with that new ‘do.
New ‘do is cute but sometimes I miss the messy look.
Oof, I want this to stay.
This is what Pasqualo gets for not getting laid. Depression.
Nice go finally see the finished comic after watching you work on it for so many hours on stream! Good stuff, can’t wait for the next one!
This kind of hurt.
it hurts!
Well, guys, I guess we really are the IT HURTS!!
Kaz, I’m already IT HURTS!!
Really like how the buildings look like cardboard boxes with crayon details on them :p
Aaaaand we’re back to square one.
Hell apocalypse when? Hellocalypse?
~430 comics later dead space rhinos blow up hell for having dead turtles.
I know you’ve got a ton of characters to touch base with here now that we’re finally in Hell, but I’m hoping you’ll give Christie a line or two soon.
And so we’re back to the beginning before the third strip.
Well, time to kill myself. Thanks, Gobo.
Shshhshshh… I’m sorry. It was a joke. I was relating too much with Pasqualo, and it hit me hard to see him go back to the old Pasqualo. I love the comic, and I love you.
i need to see my waifu again gob, don’t do this to me!
Peeplops is never coming back
My thoughts exactly, I don’t recall someone named Peeplops through this entire comic.
Glad to see Rutherford can finally wear the shirt he wants to.
Looks like Zack will remember that
So this…is the power of It Hurts….
Cheesus Christ
so what changed to make Pasqualo go back to acting this way? I had trouble understanding that
The death of Aurora.
Do you expect to be back on a one-page-each-mon-wed-fri or do you expect the next couple of uploads to be a 3-shot monday deal?
Unfortunately at this point it’s looking like Monday multi-page dumps for a little bit. 🙁
I am totally fine with this. You know what’s best for the story’s pacing.
The last time we saw this version of Pasqualo was comic 100. Remember, after the apocalypse he was slowly turning grey from lack of food and limb loss. So, this is a nice flashback to a time when the protagonist wasn’t an all-powerful (relatively) god robot, and was truly just a boy in love.
Oh man, pasqualo being a relatable fuck again.
Is it weird that I preferred depressed Pasqualo?